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Organs of Savannah

Savannah is fortunate to have many beautiful and historic houses of worship, several of which contain unique and significant organs.

Please click on the pictures below to learn more about the organs of our city.

Christ Church Episcopal

Christ Church Episcopal

Cathedral of St.

John the Baptist


Cathedral of St.

John the Baptist

St. Paul's

Episcopal Church

St. Paul's

Episcopal Church

St. John's

Episcopal Church

St. John's

Episcopal Church


Monumental UMC


Monumental UMC

Lutheran Church

of the Ascension

St. Peter's Episcopal

First Presbyterian


First Baptist Church

Independent Presbyterian Church

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church

Holy Trinity

Lutheran Church

Bull Street

Baptist Church

New Covenant UMC

Sacred Heart

RC Church

Trinity UMC

Second African 

Baptist Church


Island UMC

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