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A. E. Schlueter Organ

June 2005

First Presbyterian Church

​GREAT (unenclosed)

16’        Sub Principal
8’          Open Diapason (from pedal)
8'          Principal
8’          Harmonic Flute (Bourdon Bass)
8’          Bourdon
8’          Gemshorn
            (prep. for independent 8’ violoncello)
8’          Violone (digital)
8’          Erzahler Celeste II --Prepared For--
4'          Octave
4'          Flute (prep. for independent 4’ flute)
2'          Fifteenth
2’          Block Flute --Prepared For--
V          Cornet/Twelfth --Prepared For--
IV-V      Fourniture 1 1/3’
III          Scharf/Seventeenth --Prepared For--
8'          Clarinet,  (Ch) (prep. for Gt. Trumpet)
16’        Tromba Heroique  (Ch)
8’          Tromba Heroique (Ch)
4’          Tromba Heroique (Ch)
             Zimbelstern, 9 bells

SWELL (expressive)

16'     Lieblich Gedeckt
8’     Geigen Principal
8'     Chimney Flute
8'     Viole de Gambe
8'     Viole Celeste
8’     Flauto Dolce
8’     Flute Celeste
4’     Geigen Octave
4'     Nachthorn  
2'     Recorder
1 3/5’  Tierce
IV       Full Mixture 2’
III       Acuta --Prepared For--
16'     Bassoon
8'       Trumpet
8'       Oboe
4'       Clarion

CHOIR (expressive)

16’     Gemshorn
8’       Principal
8’       Holzgedeckt
8’       Gemshorn
8’       Gemshorn Celeste
4’       Principal
4'       Koppel Flute
2'       Fifteenth
1/3’    Larigot
1’       Sifflote
III       Scharf 2/3’
8'       Clarinet
16’     Tromba Heroique
8’       Tromba Heroique
4’       Tromba Heroique
          Harp, 61 Notes (digital)

PEDAL (two blank antiphonal stop preparations provided)

32’         Violone
32’         Bourdon (Digital)
16’         Contra Bass (Digital)
16’         Sub Principal (In Façade)
16’         Gemshorn, 32 Notes (Ch)
16'         Subbass
16'         Lieblich Gedeckt, (Sw)
8'           Octave (In Façade) (plays into Gt)
8’           Gemshorn (Ch)
8'           Bourdon
8’           Gedeckt (Sw)
4'           Choral Bass
4'           Cantus Flute (Gt)
2’           Flute (Sw)
III           Mixture 2 2/3’
32’         Contra Trombone (Digital)
16’         Trombone(Ch)
16'         Bassoon (Sw)
8'           Tromba(Ch)
8’           Trumpet (Sw)
4'           Tromba (Ch)
4’           Clarinet (Ch)

              Antiphonal (6 stops prepared for in console)

4 drawknobs in choir division, 2 in pedal

Savannah Chapter of the American Guild of Organists © 2022

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